Baby Names

Chelsea Kropp, Mo Lathrop, Bree Rochford


Top 10 Baby Names of the 1980šs


1. Jessica

2. Jennifer

3. Amanda

4. Ashley

5. Sarah

6. Stephanie

7. Melissa

8. Nicole

9. Elizabeth

10. Heather



1. Michael

2. Christopher

3. Matthew

4. Joshua

5. David

6. Daniel

7. James

8. Robert

9. John

10. Joseph


Top 10 Names at Marian

1. Katherine* 37

2. Elizabeth* 27

3. Megan* 26

4. Sara* 19

5. Christine* 18

    Amanda 18

    Emily 18

8. Erin 15

9. Laura 14

10. Jessica 13

*Includes all variations


Top 10 Names at Prep

1. Michael* 52

John* 52

3. Matthew* 36

4. Joseph* 34

5. Daniel* 33

    Andrew* 33

7. Nicholas* 31

8. Thomas* 27

9. Ryan 22

    Steven* 22

*Includes all variations

